Before You Close
Don't Jeopardize Your Loan
Taking out a another loan, buying a car, or making large credit
card charges before you close can jeopardize your loan commitment.
Lenders run a second credit check prior to closing to check for
new charges.
Time to Close
Closing at the beginning of a month, the lender will require you
to "prepay" the interest on your loan from the day of
closing to the end of the month. Therefore the cash you need to
close will be more than if you close at the end of the month. Talk
with your lender about this.
Buyers Remorse
It's common for buyers to feel stressed or remorseful during and
after the purchase of a home, Educating yourself about the buying
process will help minimize "buyers remorse". You will
probably forget it soon after you move into your new home.
Notify Services & Utilities
Don't forget to contact services such as: post office, insurance,
movers, telephone, utilities, newspaper, etc. a few weeks prior
to you moving out to "change over" billing/mailing addresses.
Arrange for Mover
Get a couple of written estimates from movers on the services they
provide for the costs of your move. Check the local Yellow Pages
to get quotes and contacts.
Final Walk Through
Do a final walk through as close to the sign off as possible. Check
appliances for operability. Test outlets with a radio or test device.
Turn on light switches. Check water faucets and toilets. Make sure
promised cleaning and repairs have been completed. Check that all
items included in the purchase of the home(review contract) are
present. For new construction, write down what needs to be completed
or fixed, have builder sign. Include the date when these items will
be completed.
Closing Costs
You will have to have your closing cost monies deposited in escrow
before you can close. Don't bring in a personal check to pay. Money
should be in the form of a certified check or a money wire transfer.
Check with your escrow officer.
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